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Privacy Policy


Parla Design and different privacy principles have been created in order to protect user privacy, to ensure that the security is sufficient and to make the most of the used infrastructure. Users who will log in to the site approve this Privacy Policy on the site and understand all the principles of important information about the use and visit of the site from the first minute they start to visit the website and are deemed to have accepted all of them as a whole.

In order to serve Parla Design and website users under better conditions, your name, surname, phone, age, e-mail, address, etc. needs your personal information. Thanks to this information, the user information on the site is defined and you are contacted. When you want to order products on the website, you need to add both your personal and commercial-corporate information to the site. All this information you have added to the site is collected in the database of the site and used in campaign-promotion studies and customer-specific works in order to provide better service to its users. In line with the Law No. 6698 on the Processing of Personal Data, the personal data of the users in the studies on the site is processed by the site owner Parla Tasarım without the consent of the user to prepare a contract in order to provide the services on the site in better conditions and to include personal information about the contract parties.

All user information added on the site cannot be shared by the site with a third party without the user's knowledge. Personal information cannot be sold for commercial purposes for any reason other than activities on the site.

The site creates analysis in line with the preferences and movements by making impressions of the users' membership request forms and e-mail address information, as well as their use of the site. Thanks to this statistical data, Parla Design can provide sharing with business partners and the site with the idea of creating a better and more effective shopping experience for site users.

User information added to the site may be shared by the official authorities, as a statement should be made to the official authorities only in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force when requested by the official authorities. All user information added to the site can only be changed by the person himself. The mistake made about personal information can be corrected or you can make care that your contact information is correct and complete by updating.

You are asked by the site to choose a payment method for your purchases on the site. No matter which payment method you have chosen, the credit or card information you have entered is not kept on the servers by the site and site owner. Accordingly, the payment term you will provide in your orders is completed between your computer and the bank only through the site. If you make a purchase on the site, your personal information and card information that you have added on the site can be shared with third parties such as bank and credit card companies to confirm your transaction. At the same time, some of your personal information for order delivery is also shared with surat cargo or ptt cargo company.

Your personal information you enter on the site can be used in processes such as research and data analysis in terms of improving the customer relations of the website, improving the use of the site, designing and presenting the site content, services and advertisements. Personal information can also be shared with people working at the order stage and people who are at the completion and delivery phase of the order. At the same time, your messages on the site can be used to convey the website policies, the rules and conditions it has to you. Since the personal information that is not yours is data, it can be used for any purpose, transferred and collected. Non-personal information is the information in the form of order amount, payment method, order details, use of discount coupons. This non-personal information can be shared in any of the processes during the employees and order delivery phase, as well as for site usage analysis and support.

Information about the activities of customers may be collected from the site and the services of the site. The pages you navigate on the site, click information for the links you click on the site, your usage time of information, IP information can be presented in terms of the customer activities of the site. All this information is collected together and used to provide healthier information and analyze the site users. In line with this Privacy Policy, this information can also be used in the marketing and advertising sector as it is not taken as a personal basis. In order to realize the purposes in this Privacy Policy, the site stores your personal information in the database for the period valid by law, when a longer storage period is not required by law.

The site can be used with e-mail messages, advertisements, cookies, interactive applications, online services and all other existing technologies. The purpose of using these technologies is to provide a better quality service to users in order to provide the services provided by the site in an easy way and to better understand the behavior of users. Other technologies and cookies remind you of your personal information during your visiting the site. The main purpose of reminding personal information is to provide you with a special service by remembering your personal information when you want to visit the site easily by accessing your order for the purchases you make on the site by providing ease of use of the site. You can delete or block cookies from your computer at any time. The purpose of the use of cookies is to show which pages the users who are members of the site are browsing, to understand the user behavior, to measure the effectiveness of the advertisements with the searches on the site. Parla Design can also use this information obtained thanks to cookies in the fields of advertising and marketing.

With Parla Design, references and links can be found to different internet addresses that cannot belong to the content of the site. If you share your personal information with the sites belonging to these people by using links to a different user or third parties through the site you have logged in to, different privacy policies for the information you have provided will come into play. With Parla Design, they are not responsible for the links and content contained in the different sites you have logged in to.

In line with the Law on the Processing of Personal Data No. 6698, users can request information via e-mail to learn whether the personal data given is processed, whether the personal data given is processed, what is the purpose of which it is processed, whether it is used in accordance with its purpose, and who are the third parties to whom personal information is transferred at home or abroad. At the same time, it may state that if there is an inaccuracy or error regarding the personal information it has entered, it should be corrected, that personal information should be deleted and destroyed through the site and from the shared places, and this situation should be reported to third parties where personal information is shared.

Parla Design has the right to unilaterally change the provisions of this privacy policy, provided that it is published on the site whenever it wants. There is no obligation to warn users about the provisions they want to change regarding the privacy policy. Whenever the provisions of this amended privacy policy are published on the internet address, they are deemed to have entered into force from that date.

The data representative or responsible to be appointed by Parla Tasarım to the website will be announced in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, firstly, after the legal infrastructure is provided on the internet address, it will be announced in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

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